Conflict Coaching
Conflict Coaching supports individuals in dealing constructively with a specific area of tension or issue you are experiencing. It is a one-to-one, confidential and impartial process, a trained, experienced and accredited mediator provides conflict coaching.
The coaching takes place over 1-3 sessions, each session lasts up to 1.5 hours. The number of sessions is decided by you based on the support you need.
Conflict coaching uses the skills of mediation to support you in exploring your situation.
This includes helping you look at how it has affected you, and how you can respond differently but in ways that will genuinely work for you.
It is suitable at any point in a conflict but is most effective at an early stage to allow you to create healthy solutions before the relationship and communication have deteriorated altogether.
Conflict Coaching supports individuals in dealing constructively with a specific area of tension or issue you are experiencing. It is a one-to-one, confidential and impartial process, a trained, experienced and accredited mediator provides conflict coaching.
The coaching takes place over 1-3 sessions, each session lasts up to 1.5 hours. The number of sessions is decided by you based on the support you need.
Conflict coaching uses the skills of mediation to support you in exploring your situation.
This includes helping you look at how it has affected you, and how you can respond differently but in ways that will genuinely work for you.
It is suitable at any point in a conflict but is most effective at an early stage to allow you to create healthy solutions before the relationship and communication have deteriorated altogether.
Conflict Coaching supports individuals in dealing constructively with a specific area of tension or issue you are experiencing. It is a one-to-one, confidential and impartial process, a trained, experienced and accredited mediator provides conflict coaching.
The coaching takes place over 1-3 sessions, each session lasts up to 1.5 hours. The number of sessions is decided by you based on the support you need.
Conflict coaching uses the skills of mediation to support you in exploring your situation.
This includes helping you look at how it has affected you, and how you can respond differently but in ways that will genuinely work for you.
It is suitable at any point in a conflict but is most effective at an early stage to allow you to create healthy solutions before the relationship and communication have deteriorated altogether.
What is Conflict Coaching?
Conflict Coaching supports individuals to confidently move forward with a specific area of tension or issue they are experiencing.
- It is a one-to-one, confidential and impartial process, often used where mediation is not appropriate at a given time or not desirable by one or both parties.
- Conflict coaching uses the skills of mediation – listening, providing summaries, and asking open, non-leading questions - to support the individual in exploring their situation. This includes helping them look at how it has affected them, and how they can respond in ways that will genuinely work for them and improve their situation.
- It is suitable at any point in a conflict but is most effective early on, to allow the creation of healthy solutions before the relationship and communication has deteriorated altogether.
- Conflict coaching takes place over 1-3 sessions, each session lasts up to 1.5 hours. The number of sessions is decided by the client based on the support they need.
Make a conflict coaching referral, or book a session for yourself
“The process was one-to-one because the other tenant refused to engage… Nevertheless, the process helped me in my emotional wellbeing, and the disruptive behaviour has actually stopped since.”
What is conflict coaching suitable for?
- Helping someone explore and create ways forward with a specific issue, e.g. disputes, managing reactions to others’ behaviour, relationship breakdown, dealing with accusations or loss of trust, or any other difficult situation.
- Low level, or ongoing conflict, with a neighbour, at home, or in the workplace.
- A one-off conflict that has undermined positive relations between people.
- Any other situation that someone feels stuck with
Make a conflict coaching referral, or book a session for yourself